The doctrine of economic depression (or famine)


Jesus prophesied that during the course of human history there would always be three things in history and they would not be eradicated until the second advent: wars famines and natural disasters. And since the Bible advocates free enterprise under the laws of divine establishment any violation of this law inevitably results in recession and depression. When man tampers with the natural laws of supply and demand, when political powers tamper with the concept of capitalism there is inevitably economic decline. Man does not have the power to adjust economy. Since the Bible advocates free enterprise it is inevitable that when anyone tries to tamper with free enterprise they are going to destroy or distort the economy. In the natural course of life, then, economic disaster occurs periodically in history. For example, what should the believer do in time of economic disaster? Well, it isn’t what he should do, it is what God does for him. The mature believer will be delivered in time of economic depression, Job 5:20; Psalm 33:18,19. During the economic disaster of the northern kingdom in the days of king Ahab God provided for Elijah through logistical grace, first by the ravens, 1 Kings 17:6, and then through the widow of Zerephath, 1 Kings 17:9-16. Cf Psalm 37:18,19.

There are two kinds of people who try to tamper with God’s laws as far as economy is concerned : politicians and preachers [false teachers obviously], Jeremiah 5:12, speaking of politicians and preachers: “They have lied about the Lord, they said, ‘He is not; misfortune will not come on us; consequently we will never see military disaster or economic depression’.”

Jeremiah 14:13, “But I said, ‘O Lord, O God, behold the prophets are telling them that they will not see military disaster nor will they have economic depression, but I will give you permanent peace in this place, they promise’.” Here is Jeremiah quoting the prophets and the politicians.

Famine is used to test believers with regard to doctrine and the provision of logistical grace, Genesis 12:10; 26:1.

Famine is used as a divine judgment and a punishment of nations who violate the laws of divine establishment with regard to economics, Isaiah 51:17,19. Cf. Jeremiah 14:15,16; 15:1,2; 29:17; Ezekiel 5:16.